Vet clinics

Rose Bowl Riders hold twice annual vet clinics with Dr. Michael Peralez and Dr. Lindsay Brown of Foothill Equine Medicine & Surgery. At each clinic horses are vaccinated, have their teeth checked and receive a once-over for general health. We also hold two "follow-up care" clinics for horses that need to have their teeth floated, sheaths cleaned, joint injections and receive other routine care.

We believe that holding these clinics are paramount to our resident horse's health and overall well-being and encourage our members and those in the local community to enroll and participate.

Horses boarded at RBR must be current on de-worming (FEC test 1x/year, de-worm 2x/year recommended) and mandatory vaccinations (Flu/Rhino every 6 months and West Nile, Rabies, Eastern/Western Encephalitis and Tetanus annually).